Monday, November 10, 2014

One Act of Kindness and Grace Nov 10

Yesterday I reached out to two friends who are not doing well.  I supported them by bringing food and my company and also through some small financial contribution.  I snuggled with a cat.  I took care of myself by slowing down and giving myself a wonderful foot massage.

Today I started this blog and will be cooking for me and my friend next door. I meditated on kindness and grace and gratitude.  I posted on Facebook to gather support for my friend out west who has chronic Lyme disease. I committed to sending her money for her treatments and to connect with professionals that can advise her on some of her next steps.  I feel good and a bit anxious about really committing to help her in ways that are possible for me and might be ways that others might not be able to offer. And to take care of myself and admit when I get overwhelmed.

This is not a checklist or a to-do-list.  This is not a "look how great I am " diary. This is an appreciating the positive great moments and staying open to  the invitation to be kind and graceful journey.  This is an holding myself accountable and maybe even inspiring others a little bit diary. Join me!

One Act of….

Sitting in my beautiful sunny room on a fall morning with my broken toe in a boot, I have finally accepted that I will need to slow down and take my time.  The universe could not have given me a stronger wack that I am not invincible, not indestructable, superwoman or invulnerable.  And so I sat, read, pondered and let my mind meander instead.  I saw bluejays and red cardinals from my window. I had a sweet and funny conversation with a squirrel that couldn't believe it wasn't able to reach the yummy plant in my window. 

And what came to me was that it would be so easy to send ripples into this world in an intentional way and really take in when it happens and commit to doing it.  I want to stop being tenuous. I have run out of excuses. I can face what holds me back. I don't want to deflect instead of making decisions anymore.  I don't want to keep out what wants to be let in because I am afraid that I will be a push-over and not able to say "no".  Listening to David Whyte, I can continue to let my heart be broken for that is what opens up the world and myself to me.  David is so wise; he says that arranging our world and life to prevent having our heart be broken, is a recipy for a dull, uncourageous "second life" (it's one of his poems) that tells God it has a headache.

And so I committed to

  • One act of Kindness and Grace each day
  • One Act of strength and resilience each Week
  • One Act of Generosity each Month
  • As many moments of AWE as the universe will send my way. Fully open, fully experiencing with all my senses, blowing my mind, bulbbling with joy, taking my breath away AWE.

I will let you know how it goes.  One thing I know for sure, Awe makes me humble, curious and deeply connected.